Flat Earth from 80000 ft and how much coke can Davos WEF members snort off of hookers in 3 days?

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In this podcast we will be covering the WEF in Davos 2024 and just how small a person's circle of sight is even at 80,000 ft.


0:00 Intro

Reality Witnesses is a #TEAMYAHAWASHAI production between Jason Laufenberg of Awake Souls, and Ronnie Harris of The Limitless Channel. Together we are Yahawashai News Network (YNN). Your best community for top news and information regarding Christianity, simulation reality and flat out proofs!

The main things #TEAMYAHAWASHAI teaches are:

1) Earth is fixed and immovable (heliocentrism is the STRONG DELUSION)

2) The AE map/model is impossible (created and disseminated primarily by the freemasons to destroy the credibility of the Bible with an easily debunked model that they have worked so hard to try and link the Bible to)

3) We are in a VIRTUAL REALITY (the material reality we have all been taught by "scientists" that goes back to the ancient Greek philosophy of atomism is impossible)

4) The Creator of this world is the author of the Bible YHWH pronounced YaHaWaHa and his SON and only begotten is our Savior Yahawashai who died on a torture stake for us and was resurrected . (there was no letter "J" until about 500 years ago which is about the time that the STRONG DELUSION was rolled out)

5) THE TRUE HEBREW CALENDAR. (The TRUE HEBREW CALENDAR is Luni-Solar and the month of Nissan/Aries/The Lamb/Abib is the head of the year. Passover must take place while the sun is in the constellation of the LAMB). Link to current TRUE HEBREW CALENDAR: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oYlTRGrhtsl6Vu3yr4G4VYRt7Fnkn3eG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117335956131537567126&rtpof=true&sd=true

6) The trinity is kabbalism. (The 3 is 1 doctrine is just 3 parts of the sefirot and is labeled “Christian kabbalism”)

7) The "rapture" is of the WICKED to JUDGEMENT

8) Reincarnation is Biblically true doctrine as confirmed by John the Baptist being Elijah and Yahawashai being Adam.

9) O.S.A.S Once Saved Always Saved is FALSE DOCTRINE from John Calvin (a vatican puppet FAKE reformer also responsible for killing an opponent of the “trinity”).

Link to the official #TEAMYAHAWASHAI End Times Eschatology chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gl6Jw7aKrchslzRV3ymRq233udYdUJaC/view?usp=sharing

The map of Earth HAS TO BE STEREOGRAPHIC because Earth has TWO polar points. Link to the best stereographic map we have available right now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1att3OxemIh-_v8wDjEmlizG2-2Tq20WW/view?usp=sharing

List of music used for our hangouts: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2YuQxSWsvBSDv6BmUOeGYb?si=1cdec391dd514a93

Awake Souls email: awakesouls@gmail.com
The Limitless Channel email: awakeeple@gmail.com

Rumble channels:
LimitlessChannel: https://rumble.com/user/LimitlessChannel
AwakeSouls1: https://rumble.com/user/AwakeSouls1

Odysee channel link:

Twitter: Awake Souls https://twitter.com/laufster
The Limitless Channel https://twitter.com/rj080880

Telegram links: Jason Laufenberg: @AwakeSouls
Ronnie Harris: @The_Limitless_Channel
Reality Check group:
(Closed comments) Reality Check: https://t.me/r1e2a3l4i5t6y7c8h9e10c11k
(Open comments) Reality Check Chat: https://t.me/RealityCheckChat


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