Goldeneye 007 - Level 15 Jungle - 2x Hunting Knife Cheat

1 year ago

This video shows how to unlock the cheat 2x Hunting Knife . To unlock this cheat you need to complete Jungle on Agent in under 3:45.

a: Destroy drone guns
b: Eliminate Xenia
c: Escort Natalya to Janus base

This is an escort/team misson. Natalya shows off her shooting skills in this level, so you can basically leave her to deal with the enemies to a certain degree.

You have plenty of time to spare in this mission, so I basically played this cassualy. There are plenty of body armors located at every outpost in the jungle, so pick them up if you need them.

It is easier to wait for Xenia at the bridge and take her out from there.
Once you get into the cave area the enemy guard starts throwing grenades at you, so keep that in mind.

There's nothing that can go wrong here, really, unless you blow up Natalya or something.

Name: Goldeneye 007
Developer: RARE
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo 64 (XBOX LA, Series, SWITCH)
Release Date: JP: 23 Aug 1997 / NA: 25 Aug 1997 / UK: 7 Nov 1997

â–ºNo Commentary Gameplay by TubaTheGamer (2024)â—„

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