You Could Be Making Gains In HALF The Time (Using Science)

1 year ago

What’s the fastest way to build muscle? Can you work out half as much as you are right now, do just a few 30-minute workouts per week, and get the same or potentially even more gains? According to the latest science, you most definitely can build muscle fast. There are 3 time-saving strategies that have been shown to be most effective to help grow muscle fast. I’ll show you how to build muscle fast by applying them to your workouts, and at the end, I’ll also give you some done-for-you time-saving workout plans you can start using right away to build muscle fast and get more gains in less time.

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To save time in the gym and build muscle fast, you want to do the least number of sets that still get you a solid return in gains. Based on current research, it seems likely that 3 sets per muscle weekly are probably enough to maintain your gains and maybe even build a little muscle depending on how inexperienced you are. But 4-7 sets per muscle per week is likely the sweet spot to get the most gains with the least amount of time and effort.

However, if you are going to go with this minimal volume, there are 3 things you need to start applying to your workouts to continue to build muscle or possibly get even more gains than you were before. First, you should be pushing at least 1-2 reps to failure and even going all the way to failure on exercises where it’s safe to do so every single set. Second, since you’re only doing a limited number of exercises, it’s crucial you pick the ones that are most likely to give the most gains. There’s a really exciting area of research called “long muscle length” training. Basically, it seems like some muscles may respond better to exercises that challenge them the most when they’re in a stretched position. And lastly, to really ensure you build muscle fast, you need to dial in your form.

Now, what if you want to make my minimalist workout even more time efficient and take it from 30 minutes down to just 20 minutes? This is where the next 2 time-saving strategies come in handy. First, supersets. These can help you grow muscle fast by cutting your workout time in half. But the key is to use what’s known as antagonist supersets. how long it takes you to catch your breath between the two exercises seems to be important. Keep the transition time as short as possible, no longer than a minute. But that said, supersets will only work if you’re still pushing your muscles close to failure every set.

But if there are any exercises you can’t end up super-setting or would just prefer not to and you'd still like to build muscle fast, this is where the next method can come in handy.

Drop sets. It’s where you do your first set until you can’t do any more reps, decrease the weight, then immediately do as many reps as you can, and continue dropping the weight until you complete about 2 or 3 “drop sets” in total. Now, you may be thinking, “Won't this reduce the amount of weight and reps I can do?” Let’s say you’re doing a set of 10 reps to failure. The first few reps you do contribute very little to muscle growth. It’s only during the last few reps, when the muscles are being pushed to their absolute limit, that the most growth happens. So even though you’re lightening the weight during each drop set, they’re already exhausted from your previous set to the point that every additional rep it does is now far more effective for growth. This is the likely mechanism behind why research has found that drop sets could possibly be the fastest way to build muscle. Now as for what exercises to use this method with, keep in mind during every set you’re training to failure. So you need to use exercises where it’s safe to do so and also really quick to decrease the weight for each drop set.

Now as for how many drop sets to do to build muscle fast, I’d say try to at least match the total number of sets, including your drop sets, with how many normal sets you’d usually do. Lastly, as for how much to lower the weight during each drop set, the study protocols usually decreased it by 20% at a time.

That said, 1 thing we have yet to discuss when it comes to how to build muscle fast is nutrition. You can train far less than someone else but end up getting dramatically better results by simply focusing on your nutrition. If you need help with that, head over to our website at for a done-for-you fitness and nutrition plan customized towards you and your goals.

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