The Impact of Trump's Iowa Win on Global Politics and The Jew World Order

5 months ago

The Impact of Trump's Iowa Win on Global Politics and The Jew World Order

This is a wonderful take down of Government officials! Boom! We need more heroes like him. Never mind calming down and being nice.

The Great Awakening Is Difficult

Full Video: Trump Town Hall on Fox News in Des Moines, Iowa (Jan. 10)

Most Republican voters heading into their caucus locations think the last presidential election in 2020 was a sham – with two-thirds claiming they are part of Donald Trump’s MAGA movement.

Trump Wins Iowa Caucus Heads to Court in NYC and Heads to New Hampshire for Rally over 24 hours

THE TRUMP PHENOMENON 2.0 by Genghis Khan911


Trump: "I'm working for you", Nicky has some really bad money behind her.
"If Trump gets elected it will be the death blow to the Global order." Yuval Harari WEF
Legal Experts Gearing Up for Expansion of Military Use by Donald Trump

A Jewish Lady Talks Truth About Jewish History

We need another 911 says Jew full of hatred in NY

Geo Political War Bulletin for 1/19 Thread by @pl0t_sickens

2.2 Million Rally In Yemen Against Israel and US Foreign Policy

What Did Kennedy Think of Hitler?

This 2 minute clip questioning the Holocaust is a great share

They Are Trying To Erase White Men Worldwide - Jewish Cabal Is Out to Destroy You
"Millions of illegal invaders are coming in and being taught to hate white people. How does this end?" Tucker Carlson
It's becoming more and more evident that the Holocaust was a hoax.

NAMBLA - These People Are Sick - All Jewish

Texan who posed as Hasidic Jew and adopted 9 boys charged with sexually abusing kids

Here is an example of some brainwashed Jews

So of course MSM owned by the Jews are calling the #JewishTunnels fake.

Meanwhile in other news CNN reporting on GAZA must be approved by Israel

Wonderful Artwork Of The Jewish Tunnels and A Creepy Underground Torture Chamber

They reopened the Chabad HQ Friday just in time for Shabbos!

What the pits of hell sound like, brought to you by tunnel rabbis at the Chabad Lubavitch HQ

Child Sacrifice by Jews, A Secret Forbidden History - Jewish Ritual Murder (Full Banned Documentary)

Israel a Paria State

Rosa Parks Was Run By The Jews

Jewish Flyers That Tell The Real Story

The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr. Thread By Bullzeye @utism

"What If?" Thread on X by IanMalcolm84

Every Time They Are Exposed They Change Their Name
You ever wonder what goes through most normies heads every time the JEW comes up these days? @utism

FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - By United Airlines

This is Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airlines. He’s a jewish homo/pedo drag queen and has been incorporating transvestite homo bullshit into United Airlines. #BoycottUnited

Disease is a lack of peace - Nothing Happens In the Body That Does Not Take Place In the Mind First.

Alec Zeck: Is Energy Woo Woo nonsense? Then explain electromagnetic fields that surround our bodies - the human bio-field.

Remember when COVID cured cancer?
When the leading cause of death around the world is now " unknown causes" I think it's safe to say we've been had. @TheMarcitect
International Covid Summit hosted by the European Parliament recorded over 7 million deaths - Crimes Against Humanity

Mammograms expose you to radiation that gives you cancer - let's talk about it!

The Formal Education Lie is Finally Collapsing

College VS Trade School

MILO Drenches Himself In Pig’s Blood In Performance Art Piece About Globalism

This lady nails it on how insane we've become and the clip is from 1 year ago - Enjoy the show!

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