Oh WOW...Pluto into Aquarius - fasten your seatbelts

1 year ago

Pluto (planet of revolution and transformation) moves into Aquarius (sign of Freethinking, New Ideas and New Earth) this weekend (20th January) and stays (despite a short blip this year) for the next 20 years..
How is it going to impact you? How can you make the next two decades work for you?
How can you navigate these powerful disruptive (but ultimately beautiful) energies? How do you stay afloat and how can you win...getting as much as you can out of these days?
What is our job as lightworkers going forward...and how are we falling into traps.
Also new chakra portals opening particularly the Alta Major chakra and harnessing our light
Talking Adsum - or being present, being ready, welcoming in the new serious transformative era, talking control and surrender.
Also are you either a helicopter pad for fear or magic? Do not forget the miracle zone. Our guides grow as we grow...open up.
An intuitive reading weaving in Oracle Cards, Tarot, Archangel Metatron's guidance and a few laughs..
Before someone mentions a few of the cards being out of focus it is because they are picking up either Metatron, Marilyn or Jesus's eyes or are too close to the camera when I am in intuitive flow - sorry I am not always in the practical left brain mode - love to everyone enjoy the video its a good one!!

Healing and Connection Aura Sprays: Commander Ashtar Galactic Federation, Archangel Metatron Higher Self Connection & Alignment spray, Archangel Metatron Teal Alta Major Chakra Spray, New Light (we do have some left!)

To buy me a coffee or donate (thank you)

Oracle Cards: The Rise of the Warrior Oracle by Luna Marie, The Akashic Tarot by Sandra Anne Klingler and Sandra Anne Taylor , The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis and Jane Delaford Taylor

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