Biden's Comment About The Border Must Mean It's An Election Year And His Numbers Are Horrible

11 months ago

Three years ago today, Joe Biden took the oath of office for the presidency, and ever since then the White House has been claiming the border is secure. That's not true of course, and they know it. So does the majority of Americans, as evidenced by Biden's awful approval rating on the issue: President Biden's approval rating on handling immigration has reached an all-time low, a new poll found. Just 32 percent of Americans said in the new CBS News poll released Sunday that they approved of Biden’s handling of the border — a number that CBS notes is the all-time low for the president on this question. Overall, 68 percent in the new poll disapprove of how Biden is handling the border.

The 32 percent who approve must consist mostly of cartel members and the illegals they're escorting across the border. As a result, Biden's now saying he's going to take the problem seriously: President Biden says he's ready to make "massive changes" to secure the U.S-Mexico border. Now that this administration has let in millions of people they hope to turn into Democrat voters, it's time to look like they're securing the border just in time for the election. In a related story, Joe Biden was inaugurated three years ago. For three years the Biden administration has been leaving the border porous but an election is less than ten months off so they've got to now make it look like they're fixing a problem they created intentionally.

Biden's Comment About the Border Must Mean It's an Election Year and His Numbers Are Horrible

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