( -0620 ) Hollywood Or Real? Warding Off a Zombie Apocalypse, Surviving Hyper-Cyberattacks & EMP's (Or Should We Be Creating Parallel Realms for Free Spiritual Beings?)

1 year ago

Hollywood Or Real? Warding Off a Zombie Apocalypse, Surviving EMP's & Hyper-Cyberattacks (Or Should We Be Creating Parallel Economies for Free Spiritual Beings?) ( -0620 )

- Sustainable Parallel Economies as Spiritual Woman & Men

- Behind Disease X, Totalitarianism Masked As Global Agreements (Not Treaties), & The Slow-Motion Outlawing of Traditional Cash & Coins & Non-Digital, Non-CBDC Means of Exchange - In Theaters Now - And It's A Bit Late To Worry About Viewer Discretion Because Everyone Will Face This In Premeditation or In Reality...

Dr. David Martin, David Rogers Webb

"Learn how the Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation dedicated to improving health through research, was founded in 1936 by the pharmaceutical entrepreneur Henry Wellcome. Discover his legacy, his collection of historical medical items, and his mission to support scientific research and the study of medicine."

Gates, Fauci, Wellcome Trust, & The Psychopathic Actors of Big Pharma

See how they whitewash the difference between Congressionally ratified Treaties and
something they purport to have authority to engage in and bind US Citizens to adherence to, aka "National & International Agreements" Should a President or even Congress have authority, outside of 2/3rds Congressional approval, to bind this country to any substantial political framework? What's the historical background and precedent for this state of affairs?

"Treaties and other international agreements are written agreements between sovereign states (or between states and international organizations) governed by international law. The United States enters into more than 200 treaties and other international agreements each year.

The subjects of treaties span the whole spectrum of international relations: peace, trade, defense, territorial boundaries, human rights, law enforcement, environmental matters, and many others. As times change, so do treaties. In 1796, the United States entered into the Treaty with Tripoli to protect American citizens from kidnapping and ransom by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2001, the United States agreed to a treaty on cybercrime.

Read more about what specific bureaus are doing to support this policy issue:

Office of Treaty Affairs (L/T): The Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, within the Office of the Legal Adviser, provides guidance on all aspects of U.S. and international treaty law and practice. It manages the process under which the Department of State approves the negotiation and conclusion of all international agreements to which the U.S. will become a party. It also coordinates with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on issues involving the Senate’s advice and consent to ratification of treaties."

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