Expand your heart field and trust that it knows the truth.

4 months ago

A magnificent sunrise with flocks of starlings. Be well my friends, connect with your heart and be guided by the wisdom of your body. We are coming through the dark times into a new era of love on planet earth. #StressRelief #traumahealing #love

For more about trauma healing: julietyelverton.com

My online Healing Programme: https://julietyelverton.com/online-healing-programme/

My Healing Stress, Anxiety and Fear book: https://julietyelverton.com/product/how-to-heal-stress-anxiety-and-fear-releasing-trauma-in-easy-steps/
And the 1 year professional trauma skills programme: https://www.healing-waters.co.uk/events/taking-your-healing-skills-to-a-new-level/
For healing retreats in Glastonbury: www.healing-waters.co.uk

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