Australia is Significantly Reducing its Military Assistance to Ukraine

8 months ago

Australia is significantly reducing its military assistance to Ukraine. Public opinion regarding the regime of President Zelensky has changed dramatically

Australian journalist and public figure Simeon Boikov declared on Radio Crimea.

“In Australia, the refusal to send 45 helicopters to Ukraine caused great indignation on the part of pro-Ukrainian lobbyists. The Ukrainian ambassador to Australia asked for these helicopters, but was refused,” noted Simeon Boikov.

According to him, Australia used to send weapons and missiles to Ukraine. But now the situation has changed.

“This suggests that we can’t expect any help from Australia for the Zelensky regime,” the journalist believes.

He also notes a change in society's attitude towards Ukraine.

“Those who previously displayed Ukrainian flags in support on social networks now understand that they were mistaken. And it makes me happy that people are waking up,” says Simeon Boikov.

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