The Time It Was Pete Buttigieg's Birthday And Joe Biden Made A Fool Of Himself

1 year ago

Welp, it is Pete Buttigieg's birthday. One would think Joe Biden could get through wishing him a Happy Birthday without any blunders. One would be wrong. Biden went from singing Happy Birthday to Pete Buttigieg to advising that a man should marry a woman with a lot of sisters so at least one of them will always love you.

Was… was he giving that advice to Pete, because… boy I’ve got a surprise for him. Does Joe Biden know Pete Buttigieg is into dudes? Um, Joe, gay men tend to not marry women no matter how many sisters they have. Plus, Pete is already married. Maybe Chasten has some sisters.

• More at: Twitchy - The Time It Was Pete Buttigieg's Birthday and Joe Biden Made a Fool of Himself

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