Prepping, But Discreetly (Or On A Budget)

11 months ago

I try to add a few storable food items to my normal shopping trips. The goal is to NOT draw attention to myself. I don't want normies thinking "I won't bother prepping, I'll just rob you when SHTF." (BAD IDEA)
So being discreet also helps me to obey the words of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in Romans 12:18-If it is possible, to the extent it depends upon you, live peacefully with all men.
This is also how you can start prepping on a tight budget. I like to say the best time to start prepping was yesterday, the next best time is now. Tomorrow might be too late. I will keep repeating this to anyone who will listen till I'm blue in the face. I want more people preparing. I don't want them coming over to my house to fight me over a can of beans. I'm preparing for that too, but that doesn't mean I want it. But what I can't do is stick my head in the sand, like a lot of Christians do, and pretend that we KNOW for a FACT that Jesus is DEFINITELY coming back tomorrow, so I don't need to prepare for ANYTHING today. I think that is foolish and naive. Even Martin Luther said that if he KNEW for a FACT the world was going to end tomorrow, he would still plant an apple tree today, and that's the attitude I'd like to see more Christians adopt. I think that the martyrs who died in Roman arenas for their faith were far stronger Christians than most of us are today, and Jesus didn't come back and save them from the lions. He will come someday, but it's on his time not ours. Could be 10,000 years from now or tomorrow, we just don't know and we can't know, and we are cautioned throughout the New Testament to be warey of anyone claiming that they do know.
I do believe there is a reason every one of us is here, right now. I firmly believe that the faith of those martyrs lead directly to the mass conversion of much of the Roman population. There's a reason it's called the Roman Catholic Church, after all, and it's not just because it's headquartered in Rome. I'm not Catholic, but I do believe John 14:6-Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" Amen.
In conclusion, prepare for disaster, but pray for peace and prosperity. What is the worst that can happen, having extra food and water on hand? It gets close dated and you consume it. Some things you can even disregard the date on, things that really can't go bad, but I'll discuss that later. Stay safe, keep your head on a swivel, and walk as close to God as you can. See you in the next video. PEACE ✌️

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