Open Eyes Ep. 133 - "The Road To Hell Is Paved With False Prophets & Teachers!"

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Join Dr. Robyn and her investigative team, Dark II Light, as they delve into the exposure happening within the church. Recent news has revealed God's intervention in criminal activity, sexual misconduct, and inappropriate behavior. However, in this episode, the team explores another movement emerging within the Body of Christ – a seductive force utilizing the Name of Jesus for false teaching, demonic doctrines, witchcraft, sorcery, and even counterfeit signs and wonders.

The Spirit of Delilah is at work, and the team sheds light on her strategies to infiltrate the Church in the coming year. The team exposes these false prophets and urges the Church to exercise the crucial gift of discernment of spirits in these last days. It's essential to watch and discern between what is from God and what is from the Devil.

In her final words, Dr. Robyn emphasizes that a significant showdown is underway between the prophets of the land and the true prophets of the Lord. Now is the time for the Church to stand up for righteousness, calling out these false prophets and their doctrines of demons. Failure to do so may lead to seduction and a curse. Despite the daunting realization of the extent to which these deceivers have infiltrated God's house, there is, however, a remnant that has not bowed the knee. To be counted in that remnant, we must dissent and disassociate from that which opposes Christ, is counter-Christ, and is straight up Anti-Christ This is the only way to establish the true Gospel in these last days, fulfilling the biblical warning that “Even the elect would be deceived" (Matthew 24:24).

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