Chip Roy Goes On An Epic Rant Wondering When Congress Will Work To Improve American's Lives

1 year ago

Chip Roy is sick of politicians arriving in DC and forgetting they are there to represent the people who elected them. Roy went on a rant about the state of it all. “Every single person I talked to cannot understand how a body – that is supposed to be representative of the people – comes here and manages to make this country worse on a daily basis, no matter who's in the majority.” Also, how do people go to DC pretty poor or lower middle class and within a few years, they are nearly millionaires? That seems pretty weird even though they make good salaries. They aren't the kind of salaries that would make one easily a millionaire. Things that made you go hmmmm.

They get all the perks for doing nothing & don't have to abide by any of the laws of the mere peasants.They get full pension, medical for doing nothing. It all needs an overhaul.They would work for the people if it effected them. Bingo. All of this hits the nail on the head.

• More at: Twitchy - Chip Roy Goes on an EPIC Rant Wondering When Congress Will Work to Improve American's Lives

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