Death Rides A Horse - FREE MOVIE - HD REMASTERED WESTERN - Starring John Phillip Law & Lee Van Cleef

5 months ago

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a creatively edited remaster of the original film, it has been upscaled, color and tone graded, denoised and image sharpened and audio improved by AFLIX using proprietary technologies and software systems, therefore AFLIX holds all intellectual property over this version. Consequently, it cannot be shared, copied or distributed without ALFIX agreement and permission.

Death Rides a Horse is a 1967 Italian Spaghetti Western directed by Giulio Petroni, written by Luciano Vincenzoni and starring Lee Van Cleef and John Phillip Law.

Bill (John Phillip Law), a boy whose father was killed and mother and sister were gang raped and murdered in front of him by a gang of four, sets out 15 years later to exact revenge, having used the time to become an expert marksman with a gun. Each of the outlaws bears a characteristic that Bill memorized while watching his family slaughtered and his house set on fire: the first has a tattoo of four aces on his chest, the second a scar, the third one a distinctive earring and the fourth (who was the one who saved young Bill from the burning house) wears a necklace bearing a skull; while he saw the face of the fifth, he never saw the face of the man who saved him from the fire.

As he begins his journey, a gunfighter named Ryan (Lee Van Cleef) is released from a prison after serving 15 years there. He was framed for an armed robbery by the very same men who murdered Bill's family. When they meet along the way, Ryan gets the better of Bill, who is blinded by vengeance, but he does Bill no harm. In the next town, Ryan asks for a man named Cavanaugh (Anthony Dawson), whom Bill recognized later as the man with four aces tattoo. Bill manages to kill Cavanaugh in a duel, but the more experienced Ryan insists on tracking the other outlaws alone. They cross paths again in Lyndon City, where Ryan meets rich banker named Walcott (Luigi Pistilli) and demands his share of the robbery 15 years ago. Walcott stages a robbery on his own bank and frames Ryan. When the tables are turned later, Bill reciprocates, helping Ryan escape from a jail. An equally determined Bill sets out ahead of him.

Bill reaches a Mexican town, where he recognizes the man with the big earring and guns him down. He is captured by the outlaws, beaten and buried alive from the neck down (he had also recognized the man with the scar and Walcott). Left to die in the hot sun, he is rescued by Ryan, who shoots several men standing guard. Preparing for the gang's return, Bill notices that Ryan is wearing a necklace with a skull. Ryan admits he was present during the murders, but arrived late and did not participate; he also rescued Bill from the fire. He gives his word that once the outlaws have been dealt with, he will remain to face whatever justice Bill seeks.

In a final shootout during a sand storm, the last remaining man who killed Bill's family has him dead to rights, only to be killed by Ryan's thrown knife. Bill nonetheless insists on revenge. Ryan's gun is empty, so Bill tosses a bullet to him. He has just one bullet left now himself. Ryan turns his back and walks away, daring Bill to shoot him in the back. Bill fires, but it is only to kill a surviving outlaw. A grateful Ryan then watches as he mounts his horse and rides away.

Lee Van Cleef as Ryan
John Phillip Law as Bill Meceita
Mario Brega as One-Eye, Walcott henchman in waistcoat
Luigi Pistilli as Walcott
Anthony Dawson as Burt Cavanaugh/Manina
Jose Torres as Pedro
Franco Balducci as Lyndon City sheriff
Bruno Corazzari as Walcott bartender
Felicita Fanny as Martita
Ignazio Leone as Minister
Carlo Pisacane as Holly Spring station master
Angelo Susani as Paco
Guglielmo Spoletini as Manuel
Vivienne Bocca as Bill Meceita's sister
Walter Giulangeli as Mr. Meceita
Elena Hall as Mrs. Meceita
Mario Mandalari as Walcott henchman
Nazzareno Natale (c.s.c.) as Member of Pedro's gang
Ennio Pagliani as Walcott henchman
Giovanni Petrucci as Walcott henchman
Romano Puppo as Lyndon City deputy
Richard Watson as bartender
Archie Savage as Vigro
Carla Cassola as Betsy
Nerina Montagnani as the Minister's wife
Nino Vingelli as Card player
Remo Capitani as Gold escort member
José Terrón as Walcott's henchman
Jeff Cameron as Cavanaugh's henchman

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