Abby's Top Pick Tsiyon Message From the Gospel of Matthew!

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For the past couple of years, Abigail ben David has been producing and airing Hebraic Insights in the Gospels, which is a look at the life, deeds, and words of Y’shua Messiah and His followers from the Torah-centric, Hebraic perspective they were originally lived and written in. She has been airing these programs every Sabbath on Tsiyon Road Radio, and recently completed and aired the final program on the Book of John. Celebrating the completion of this series, we will be revisiting Abigail’s top pick from each book throughout this month. Abigail will be joining us on the program tonight, discussing her epic creation process and her top pick program from the book Matthew.

Here’s a sneak peak of tonight’s discussion:

When Messiah came to earth, about 2000 years ago, He had to deal with the Jewish religious paradigm of His day. Like many religions, that Jewish system was mechanistic. Methods, traditions, and theological constructs were the order of the day. All these started with the Torah, but so often ended far from the original intent. The instruction from the Creator which was meant to keep his people happy, healthy, free, and in His will, was turned by man-made religion into an inscrutable burden upon the people. There was a system of religious leaders who benefited from maintaining the old religion. Their continued position was insured by an alliance with the political powers of the day. That Jewish religious system had become an old wineskin with little or no flexibility to receive any sort of energetic new wine - which happened to be exactly what Messiah was introducing. He was bringing back the Torah in its original meaning, and demonstrating its amazing power for good. What He did and said was both wonderful and shocking. He was bringing forth the new wine of the Kingdom, and the old wine skin was about to burst.

At this point some people might say that Messiah introduced the Christian Church as the new wineskin to hold the new wine He was bringing - but this is not true. The Christian Church did not begin to arise until the mid-second century, and began as a heresy away from the very wineskin Messiah was talking about. It was not the new wineskin Messiah was introducing. The new wineskin was/is renewed Israel under the administration of the Davidic Messiah.

Join us tonight at 8pm central time and be encouraged as you watch this amazing message and hear Abigail’s story about her journey through Hebraic Insights in the Gospels!

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