OCP LIVE w/ Bobby Cleveland

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Join Bobby Cleveland and Representative JJ Humphrey as they discuss DOC issues every Friday at Noon!

OCP Facebook live Friday 1/19/2024 12:00 pm
Join Executive Director OCP Bob Cleveland, Representative
JJ Humphrey and Julie Thompson. Discussing Bills for the up coming session. The DOC Budget. Staffing shortage causes more drugs and contraband into the prisons, that cause more assaults inmate on inmate and inmate on CO’s. Does DOC have a plan?

Stay tuned for major announcement. This will shock DOC. Coming soon.

Oklahoma Corrections Professionals is a statewide association for Employees of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, and the Pardon and Parole Board. We are dedicated to improving the image, benefits, compensation, working conditions and retirement for all Corrections and Criminal Justice Professionals.


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