President Biden Asks How Many Kids Did Their Homework In McDonald's Parking Lots

1 year ago

It's an election year, so President Joe Biden traveled to North Carolina to announce that his administration was investing $3 billion to provide high-speed internet access to the state. Local news then reported that Biden got a vanilla milkshake with chocolate syrup. Biden's old boss, Barack Obama, promised that we'd have coast-to-coast high-speed rail under his administration. Biden just promised that he was going to cure cancer. Biden can never tell an anecdote just once — he always falls back on stories like the time his house almost burned down with Jill in it, or how his son Beau died in Iraq. On Thursday, he revived his line about students sitting in McDonald's parking lots during the pandemic to use their wi-fi to do their homework.

Biden: "How many of you spent time in McDonald parking lots tapping into their internet so you could do the homework with your kid?" -- Hey! Pudding Brain: No one does this. No one. You senile old stank fart. And yet the sunsetting continues with barely a yawn from the media.

• More at: Twitchy - President Biden Asks How Many Kids Did Their Homework in McDonald's Parking Lots

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