My Spiritual Journey

6 months ago

A person's looks, money, fame or the number of "views" or "likes" they get on social media isn't what's most important about them. It's their spiritual journey. Did you or I seek God or ignore God? Did we exercise faith or worship the false idols of pleasure, success, acceptance, or intellectual vanity? This is my testimony of God's faithfulness. I shot it without edits, so I didn't fully explain everything. For example, when I mention that this life is like a simulation, I didn't really explain it, but I'm mostly referring to how, at a nano level, there's no reason for the material world to hold together. Physicists can't understand it. But, according to Scripture, "He (Jesus) holds all things together by the word of His power." To learn more, I suggest watching the videos of the late Chuck Missler from @koinoniahouse, like his video on Beyond Perception. Chuck was so far ahead of his time and I'm glad that I got to briefly meet him before he went home to be with the LORD. Also, I just want to emphasize my gratitude to God for healing my mind, emotions and even my body. I damaged my spine as a teenager is a horse-riding accident, but I've been pain-free for about 12 years, ever since my Bible study friends prayed for me. God is good, even when we can't see it.

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