Dwelling In The Secret Place: Ep 4 - The Home Stretch by Sonica & Walter Veith

1 year ago

There are exactly 12 months between two powerful events.
Both situations would have been the end - the death that was actually to be expected.
But God once again intervened in a mighty way.
Why, God: what are you planning to do with the Veiths?
In poignant words, the two describe their experiences, which only recently led to a victorious experience, coupled with the realization: How great Thou art, God!

And then there is this deeply hidden longing, Lord: If it is Your will, then we want ...

This is the final version of this series of four for the time being: »Dwelling in the Secret Place«.

Here the secret is revealed, here history is written, here is the preparation for The Home Stretch - are you with us?

Download the book for free here:

With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube.

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