Matthew Pottinger: the American knowhow and capital have helped the growth of the CCP’s military

5 months ago

1/17/2024【Hearing on US Money into CCP’s Military】Former U.S.deputy national security advisor Hon. Matthew Pottinger: Beijing has built a business and regulatory ecosystem to facilitate and mandate the transfer of dual-use technologies to military and intelligence programs, and therefore, the American knowhow and capital flowing into Communist China have helped the growth of China’s military might
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCPsInfluence #CCPthreat #CCPPLA
1/17/2024【审视美国资金流入中共军方听证会】前美国副国家安全顾问博明先生: 北京已经建立了一个商业和监管生态系统,以促进并强制转移双用技术用于军事和情报项目,因此,流向中共国的美国技术和资本已经帮助推动了中国军事实力的增长
#中共 #消灭中共 #中共影响 #中共威胁 #中共解放军

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