Arkansas State Police Interstate Criminal Patrol Episode #2| Drug Mules are Poor LIARS!!

7 months ago

On 1/18/2023 at approximately 4:49 p.m., I initiated a traffic stop on a black Chrysler 300 near the 3 mile marker eastbound for following too closely to a tractor-trailer in front of it and improper use of a turn signal. I made contact with the driver, Enrique Porras, and told him who I was and why I stopped him. I asked him what brought him through Arkansas, and he told me he was going to Nashville, TN. He told me the car was a rental, and I asked for the rental agreement, and he handed it to me along with his driver’s license, which was out of Illinois. The rental agreement showed he rented the car in Oklahoma City, OK. He told me he was going on a job hunt. I asked him why he rented the car in Oklahoma City if he is from Illinois. He told me he started his job hunt in Illinois. I asked him how he got to Oklahoma City, and he said he flew there. He quickly changed his story and said he flew to Dallas, TX first. I asked him how he got to Oklahoma City.
He told me his brother gave him a ride to Oklahoma City for a job interview. He told me he was on his way to Nashville for another job interview. I asked him how long he planned on staying in Nashville, and he told me not very long. I asked him what kind of job he was looking for. He said he was looking for a job in insurance.

I then asked him to step out of the vehicle to speak with me. Mr. Porras' first reaction was to get in my back seat which is where prisoners are kept. I thought that was interesting because all I said was hang out right over there beside my car. I told him he could stand at my passenger window if he would like. I asked if he knew where he was going to look for a job, and his reply was he specialized in State Farm. It was confusing what he meant by he specialized in State Farm, so I asked if he worked for State Farm. He said, “Currently I did work for State Farm.” He continued to tell me he had to leave them because he wasn’t properly getting paid his commission.
I asked if all he had was the suitcase located behind the passenger seat. He told me, “Yeah.” I asked if he had anything in the trunk. He said no. I asked him if he put anything back there, and he said, “In what?” I noticed his body language change when I asked if anything was in the trunk. He looked at the trunk and said no.

I asked if it was empty, and he said it should be. I was trying to recap his story to him and asked him “So, you flew to Dallas?,” and he said yes and began to tell me it was a long story. Mr. Porras began to tell me a whole other reason for needing money and having troubles with his marriage. Also, while he was recapping this story. his voice got extremely quiet, and even began mumbling some of his words.

After speaking with Mr. Porras, I asked him if he minded opening his trunk. He denied consent, and I called for a canine unit to assist. Trp. Tanner Middlecoff arrived to assist. Trp. Middlecoff ran his canine around the vehicle, and the canine alerted to the odor of narcotics inside the vehicle. I searched the vehicle and located multiple large trash bags containing 80 vacuum-sealed bundles of suspected marijuana inside with an approximate weight of 80 lbs. and a street value of $160,000. Mr. Porras was placed under arrest. Agent XXXX XXXXXXX with the 12th Judicial Drug Task Force was given the evidence. For Further information refer to DTF case file 2023-121.

Charges: Poss. w/ purpose to deliver sch. VI 25-100 lbs Poss. drug paraphernalia Following too closely Signals for turning, stopping, or decreasing speed required (Improper use of turn signal)

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