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Awakenvideo - Disease X WHO Owner Operator of Vaxxx'd

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Disease X WHO Owner Operator of Vaxxx'd
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No Novel Virus Only Patented Bioweapons ft Dr. D. Martin video: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Ausschuss:3/Sitzung-60-Die-Zeit-ist-kein-flacher-Kreis-5-Martin:f
Article and US Patent for Bioweapon SARs-cv2 site: https://www.citizensjournal.us/patents-prove-sars-cov-2-is-a-manufactured-virus/
US7220852B1 US Patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/US7220852B1/en
Mad Psuedoscientist "Dr." Morgan video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U
Intracellular Delivery of mRNA article: https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbic.202200801
How The Dead's DNA is Being Replaced video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKPJpxCW2qw
Diana Lenska 2020 video: https://rumble.com/v2x763s-diana-lenska-2020.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=5
Diana Lenska Supreme Court Approves cDNA Patenting video: https://rumble.com/v46q8qr-supreme-court-mrna-jabbed-have-altered-dna-cdna-and-they-can-be-patented.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4
Billie Gates Told You video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fuHRa4IEunGS/
Connecting Your Body to Your Enslavement US Patent 060606: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en
cDNA Formerly CLONED DNA Now Complimentary DNA (narrative change) article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8076774/
Supreme Masonic Kangaroo Court site: https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?Search=12-398&type=Site
12-398 Kangaroo Case pdf: https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2012/12-398_h3dj.pdf
Same 12-398 Better Displayed pdf: https://greennews.dk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/12-398_1b7d-cDNA-patented-human.pdf
Internet of Things and the Vaxxx'd ARE Things pdf: file:///C:/Users/KnownAs/Downloads/s11042-020-09010-5.pdf
Awakenvideo Warning of this Sept. 8th 2023 video: https://rumble.com/v3ft6lb-awakenvideo-friday-nite-live-stream-9-8-2023.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=6
A Critical Reassessment researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348476779_Association_for_Molecular_Pathology_v_Myriad_Genetics_A_Critical_Reassessment
Biosensing in the Cloud and Internet article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-020-09010-5
May 24th 2024 Major Left Path Shift to Hell on Earth video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rj0zjLuFnRwK/
WHO Pandemic Treaty video: https://rumble.com/v3u64s6-who-pandemic-treaty-for-may-2024-gives-the-un-who-absolute-medical-control-.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=9
WHO document page 23 pdf: https://docs.reclaimthenet.org/who-zero-draft-international-pandemic-treaty-february-2023.pdf
Evil WHO Propaganda video: https://video.reclaimthenet.org/articles/who-vax-terror-vid.mp4
WEF Davos Agenda site: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/davos-agenda-digital-identity-frameworks/
Disease X video: https://rumble.com/v47o3al-disease-x-the-only-way-it-can-kill-you-is-if-you-inject-it.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=10
Dr. Judy Mikovits video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZYe3EepGdbPW/
Researchgate Search site: https://www.researchgate.net/search/publication?q=Bilski%20v.%20Kappos%2C%20Mayo%20v.%20Prometheus
Researchgate site: https://www.researchgate.net/search/publication?q=Alice+v.+CLS+Bank


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  • I would definitely say you're on the right track with no viruses existing. As no virus in history was ever isolated/purified and proven to exist. There was no virus or Sars cov 2 created in any lab. The whole gain of function, bio-lab narrative was given to us to keep us believing in fictional viruses. What they have patented is a genome which was created in silico/computer generated which doesn't exist in reality. The original coronaviruses were never isolated/purified and proven to exist as well. It's all psuedoscience. What we see is the poisoning of our terrain, emf's, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines etc. Adding to that ,we have seen nanotechnology,graphene etc being unleashed on us. The bioweapon is the injection, that's what was created in the lab, not any virus or pathogen. The technology being injected connects us to the digital prison, (towers, sateloons, quantum computers),the cloud, internet of things , and a digital weapons system. We can now be tracked and traced through this technology and it gives these psycopaths control of our Conciousness etc etc.

  • Thank you, John and Bonnie, for another excellent livestream update. I found your channel a month or two ago with a link from Before Its News. Your weekly presentations are well researched and packed with very timely information. Much appreciated! All of creation groans and travails waiting with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. Our Heavenly Father profoundly impressed that message in me with a wonderful prophetic dream last June 2023. I am not waiting for a "rapture" to escape this earth while satan and his physical and spiritual spawn overrun it fully. We are called to stand and enforce the victory that Jesus won for us. God has given His children everything we need......the example and truth of Jesus His Son (the first born), the blood of Jesus, His resurrection and ascension, His Holy Spirit, His Holy Bible, His armor and sword, all authority and power over the power of the devil. Satan has done his best to deceive and steal our true identities from us, but God's great awakening has begun. It cannot be stopped. All the lies, corruption and horrific satanic abominations will be revealed. God's children will arise and Heaven will come to Earth. That is my belief and the purpose He has sent me here......to be a part of the restoration and acceleration of His Kingdom in this natural realm until He calls me home. There could be no higher honor. May Father, Son and Holy Spirit continue to richly bless and protect you both.

  • Thank you for educating us… we are listening. These evil lizards are hell bent on killing as many people as they can. Thankfully more and better people are waking up to their deception. Our existence is on the line… choose this day who you’re going to serve. Myself, I’d rather die standing than serve on my knees.

  • What was the proud inventor of the MRNA vax thinking when he created this, to further his career and fill his pocket with Sheckles, yet we think he's standing up for us at the WEF, he's no better than Gates himself, STOP BEING FOOLED.

  • 'Dr.' Venter actually said 'We can write our name into it' on BBC News at 10pm back in the day... if memory serves, he was being interviewed in the UK Human Genome Projects 'head office'.

  • You are so right about many things. The word Awaken sends alarms off for me as well as you talking about coming into the light and/or Christ consciousness. As the Bible tells us over and over - What must I do to be saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ - what He did when He came to earth to live a perfect life, gave up his life in our stead and rose again so that we are going to rise to eternal life too. If we believe in the Lord and know he paid the penalty for our sins - even though he knew no sin - then we can enter into His Kingdom. Be careful to distinguish true salvation from new age teachings and coming into the light. That said you are bringing valuable information to us. Thank You!!

    1 like
  • All 'governments' are corporate structures. The corrupted system is going down and our loving Creator is all over this. states.americanstatentionals.org is the lawful American government, usurped since the Mercenary conflict between the Papal Municipal and British Territorial subcontractors that were originally part of our Federal (hired contracting government) The three parts of the original system included the American government subcontractors, unincorporated business structure, because lawful governments are on the land and soil, having solid standing and sovereignty along with the physically real body mass that makes up our country The United States, unincorporated. USC Title 28 § 3002 definitions of terms (15) United States (A) a Federal (hired) corporation. 'Word art' known as legalese with sophistry has confused the people, along with the lies as William Casey former CIA director in 1981 clearly stated "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." NO Americans exist in the paper work of this corrupted system via claiming we were all U.S. Citizens=British subjects. And this citizenry has been here since the Pilgrims. Fraud and deception denying the countrymen of our country and numerous others do not exist. Truly a system of 'dead man walking' or the 'walking dead'. AND evasion of contract for Good Faith and Service to the people they are paid by, who seem to be missing and lost as sea BUT not when the bills need to be balanced. But we Got this. Go to our lawful American government at state.americanstatenationals.org and learn the history that was denied, manipulated and destroyed by criminals. We have been blessed and the baton has been passed forward to this very time in history with the change of Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius supposedly in 2000. 40 years has been the biblical, 24 yrs in and days R shortened! God Bless.

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