Melania Trump's Eulogy at Her Mother's Funeral, Amalija Knavs

1 year ago

Former First Lady Melania Trump delivers the eulogy at her mother's funeral in Palm Beach, Florida

From Conservative Treehouse...

"There is a particular type of grace that surfaces when a daughter grows stronger as a direct result of a closely bonded mother’s guiding wisdom. Historically and generationally, women of Eastern Europe are known for a particular style of strength. Always prepared to be left alone due to conflict, war, or the loss of hardened warriors, an internal fortitude is created blending femininity with a deliberate, cold and pragmatic approach to life.

"The daughters of these quiet but strong-willed generational women, learn skills of emotional control, loyalty, deliberateness, and fortitude that turn the finest silks into fabrics stronger than titanium. It is transparently obvious that Melania learned well from Amalija.

"Paying tribute to the guiding hand upon her life, to her mentor, counselor, friend and beloved mother, First Lady Melania Trump delivers a farewell eulogy to her guide. If you have ever wondered where the centered strength of Melania Trump originated, listen carefully, and you can hear the heartbeat of Amalija Knavs in this delivery. Melania Trump is an impeccably strong woman. There is a precision in her grace."

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Our deepest sympathy to Melania and her Family - she has taught all of you very well.

The scripture being shared at the end si from the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3

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