Dan Goldman's Face While Calling Southern Border Secure Shows Even He Doesn't Believe His Own BS

1 year ago

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman has really been working hard to make a name for himself in Congress … and that name is MUD. When you cover politicians as we do, you see a lot of liars and Goldman is definitely at the top of his lying game MAINLY because he will usually lie his backside off showing zero remorse. Usually. Maybe it's just us, but it looks like Goldman knows nobody is going to believe what he's spewing in this interview because even he KNOWS he's full of it calling our southern border secure. If you've ever seen a deer in headlights you're familiar with this look.

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman lies, claims that the southern border is secure: "What is not known is that the administration has actually implemented a lot of policy changes to address the issues at the border!" THEY ARE LYING STRAIGHT TO OUR FACES! Again, we could be wrong but there's something in that pasty, void of a face that tells us he's focusing really hard on the lie he's telling so he doesn't mess it up. You know, when you tell the truth you never have to remember anything. Because it's the truth. It also looks a little bit like he's trying not to pass gas. Sorry, Dan, Eric Swalwell has the market cornered on that one. Either way, this didn't go over well … it never does for Goldman.

• More at: Twitchy - Dan Goldman's FACE While Calling Southern Border Secure Shows Even HE Doesn't Believe His Own BS

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