QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, Light Language, Council of 12, Current Events and more...

1 year ago

During the QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Session, the client is regressed into hypnosis, she visited past lives (see video 6.1.2022 PL) and here in this video she enters the somnambulistic state of consciousness where her Higher Self/ Soul/ Guide speaks. This Guide was assigned to her many, many years ago by the Council of 12, Guided from the Source of all creation/ God. Answering all of her questions in detail and addressing current events, the shot/ and how it can be healed as well as how we must wake up humanity to help save people from evil, lies and harmful events happening on Earth.

She is healed and activated during the Body Scan & Healing with LIGHT LANGUAGE. When a person watches this video, listens to the Light Language, they too can experience healing from God if they are open and ready to receive. Remember to eat clean/ no red meat/ eat a pure diet/ Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables, Pure vitamins, supplements, 100% therapeutic grade essential Oils, Oil of Oregano, Oil of black pepper, wormwood, Ormus, Frequency of 528 & singing bowls to detox. Ground your feet on Earth. Many people became greedy and severed their connection to Creator/ God. It is our Job to awaken them, remind them of their connection to God and save the children (currently being done by others from other galaxies). People have to stop listening to TV, false narrative & lies and strengthen their connection to Spirit/ Creator/ God... Pray. The Soul came to the body to have an adventure, to feel the body, hugs and kisses, the world got greedy, materialistic and severed their connection... it's time to wake up and repair this connection,... Respect and communicate with the Creator that gave you the breath of life. Help is on the way!

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