More tunnels...

8 months ago

If this footage is as alleged, from the Brooklyn Heights Chabad Lubowitz GLOBAL headquarters.... the things are about to get interesting.

There are so many flaws in the msm story it's ridiculous.... the tunnels, apparently sealed for time immemorial until recently opened, were having very modern looking mattresses pulled out of them.... and what kind or religious sect view that it is time to 'summon' their messiah as if summoning a demon or a jinn(genie)?

How can a 'messiah' be 'summoned' without ritual?

And what are all these skulls and bones? Ancient relics and surplus stock from the Children's Museum across the street?

So many questions

Now I have seen this video before, about two years ago, is it in NYC we cannot be sure, but I do know of the phrase "future proves past"

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