Japanese Judo School. UCHI-MATA

1 year ago

Visit the internet school of sambo and judo wrestling. Here (https://digital.wildberries.ru/author/399599) you can get more information on almost all topics of judo and sambo. The movies posted on the site have a wide range of topics. But all of them are united by one main theme - it is sambo and judo training. Here you can see lessons on specific throws or lying down fighting techniques. Seminars conducted by famous athletes and coaches. Personal techniques of famous athletes. Films, which are collected special tasks and exercises for training, to learn a particular technique. Films have several levels: for beginners, for athletes, for coaches, for amateurs. There are movies that reveal methods of additional training, show unconventional ways of training. Here you can see different judo schools from Japan, Korea, Russia, Italy, France and other countries.
You can watch the movies at

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