MW3 Season 1 Reloaded The WORST Update Ever?!? Warzone Is Unplayable - New Map Rio

1 year ago

#mwiii #campaign #mw3 #modernwarfareiii #modernwarfare3 #callofduty #cod #mwii #rant #sbmm #eomm #broken #season1 #warzone #season1reloaded

So we finally got season one reloaded for MWIII & Warzone and it is probably the worst update we've ever had in call of duty. Connections problems with a ton a lag, awful spawns, the pick-a-class glitch is back mid game while you're on a streak, sweats etc in multiplayer (If you're lucky enough to get on the game)
And apparently Warzone is pretty much unplayable right now so many things are broken. Das Haus is supposed to be coming back & ranked has been delayed. Rant

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III Season 1 reloaded new map Rio - PS5

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