Mass Media Psychosis: Full Metal Ox Day 1054

1 year ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1054
Thursday 18, January 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1119

Mass Media Psychosis

Does anyone remember when the term "consuming media" came into vogue? When I was a kid I just watched TV. A lot of it. And often. Believe it or not I learned a lot from it. Between cartoons, my Mom, comic books and George Carlin, I developed a love and respect for words. So, when people, and now chatbots use them incorrectly or for nefarious purposes I get a bit pissed.
Like the word "disease". I was programmed to believe that a disease was an actual "thing" something you could catch or be given. When I first saw it hyphenated, dis-dash-ease, a flood of understanding rushed into me. That was a huge piece of the puzzle that's only come close to being completed in current times.
If we are not at ease, we are in dis-ease, or I'll at ease, which is caused by stress.
Few elements of life cause us greater stress than what mass media dishes out to us on a continuous basis. Media, in most of its incarnations cause us some kind of stress, which is the precursor to dis-ease. Top of the list is what is now laughingly called "news". While maybe a little lower on the list is social media, the type which stresses those who feel that they are missing out on the life they deserve, the attention they deserve, or the body they deserve. It's not just keeping up with your more opulent neighbors anymore, the pressure is on to keep up with everybody, whether it's a matter of possessions, emotions, regrets, vulnerability, spirituality, pick your poison.
If you're adequate in one aspect of life you're deficient in 999 others, and that just won't do!
Mass Media is poison and it causes dis-ease. That's stronger than opinion. The remedy is, don't consume poison. If you're addicted, as I was, you gotta kick-it, quit-it. Or you will die from it. Maybe physically, maybe just spirituality. But it's gonna getcha.
Flashback to Geylang, Singapore today. We're close to leaving Asia. Read all about it.
We overcame a rare challenge at the gym today, maybe you've had such an experience. Share your thoughts. What do you do when you arrive at the gym and then don't feel like being there?
You figure it out.

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently in the winter bulking season. But we're doing more flexibility work as well. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.

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Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!


Living is the best part of life.

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