"Donald's Crime" (1945 Original Colorized Cartoon)

11 months ago

"Donald's Crime" is a 1945 animated short film from Walt Disney Productions, released by RKO Radio Pictures. This noir-inspired cartoon delves into the comedic struggles of Donald Duck, who grapples with guilt after pilfering $1.25 from his nephews. Directed by Jack King, the film features original music by Edward H. Plumb. The voice cast includes Clarence Nash as Donald and his nephews, Ruth Clifford as Daisy Duck, and Harry E. Lang as the off-stage voice of Donald's conscience. Notably, this marks the debut of Blondell's performance as Daisy with the character's "normal" voice. Despite its brilliance, "Donald's Crime" faced tough competition at the 18th Academy Awards in 1946, where it was nominated for Best Animated Short Film but lost to MGM's "Quiet Please!," a Tom and Jerry short. This nomination was the fourth for the Donald Duck film series, showcasing its enduring impact on animation.

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