Big Fancy Cruise Ships Are A Harbinger Of 'Late Stage Capitalism' Now, Apparently

5 months ago

One of the central underpinnings of Marxist Communism that has stayed through to many of the more modern forms of Communism/Socialism is the concept of 'Historical Materialism'. This (in part) is a belief that all societies and humanity as a whole is destined to follow a specific and predetermined path of economic growth and change beginning at a rudimentary form of tribalistic Communism called 'Primitive Communism', progressing through the ages to Feudalism and after a time to Capitalism before the balance of power inevitably is forced through economic change and worker revolt into a pure and stable form of 'Communism'. For Communists and their fellow travelers this inevitable arc of History is a fundamental tenet of faith, and many of them believe that we are currently living through the last gasp of the 'Capitalist' stage before everything falls into place for Communism to take full and final hold.

This broad overview of economic history is necessary so that you understand that when Pinkos talk about 'Late-Stage Capitalism' what they mean is that the Bourgeoisie (that's probably you and your Capitalist buddies) have become so absurdly opulent when compared to the 'Proletariat' (the working man who you, the bourgeoisie, are oppressing somehow) that it's signaling that the inevitable downfall of Capitalism as a global order is nigh and a 'post-Capitalist' society is at hand. In short the idea of Late-Stage Capitalism is really dumb but no matter how many times Capitalism refuses to collapse on itself they just keep claiming we're in Late-Stage Capitalism like this: prayingforexits 🏴‍☠️ @mrexits: “Late stage capitalism is so absurdly comical at times. This new cruise ship has: - 23 restaurants - 22 bars / clubs - 7 full sized pools + 9 hot tubs - Full waterpark - Rock climbing wall - Ice skating rink - Surf simulator - Golf course - Basketball court - Rooms for 7600 people”

Late-Stage Capitalism, as you can see, is a big fancy cruise ship. By some weird and completely coincidental quirk Marxist economic philosophy and the Climate Change movement people all seem to always employ the same tactics when discussing the stuff they don't like: Look at you having stuff, big stuff you probably don't need too. Won't you think about all of the people who don't have stuff/'the Global Climate? Their chief operating tactic is always to shame you for anything you have or do in a weird simulacrum of a religion and the religious concept of 'sins' and 'a conscience'. But regardless of what this person intended by their disdainful tweet people don't seem to be inclined to view the 'Icon of the Seas' as being a bad thing. -- I always feel like someone saying “late stage capitalism” for something like this, uses that term because they’re poor or just not into the thing they’re talking about. It’s never actually about economics.

Why would socalism mean no cruise ship? Communism in practice always is such a delight, yes. Yes, what are fun trips to the Caribbean with waterparks and all-you-can-eat buffets when compared to blocks of faceless concrete apartment buildings filled mid-tier bureaucrats whose uncle is a member of the Politburo? -- No matter how many times the death of capitalism is declared somehow these fool proletariat keep letting themselves be bribed with all of the great and cool things that the Capitalists build and let them be on for a price they can afford with their wages! How do they keep getting away with this?!

• More at: Twitchy - Big Fancy Cruise Ships Are a Harbinger of 'Late Stage Capitalism' Now, Apparently

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