Dr Wong is mom

1 year ago

My mother, who literally has the name of an angel, is an Irish Princess from Pensacola. She did her undergraduate studies at Florida State University. When my father went to the University of South Carolina for his Law Degree, my mother at the same time completed her graduate study courses also at the University of South Carolina which mostly entailed working for the State at and for Dr. William S. Hall on Bull Street. Her career carried her and my father to Florence South Carolina at about exactly the same time Pee Wee Gaskins showed up. I can tell you this, my dear friends gathered on this thin raft, "mental health" is a con. Mental Health = Behavioral Control. Fundamentally, I really do not think most members of the secret societies truly grasp the control mechanism and how it works. Dan Harmon appears to have met my mother, at least philosophically.

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