Dutch Sheets - Flashpoint of Revival - Give Him 15 Daily Prayer - Captions

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6 months ago

In this installment of Give Him Fifteen, the focus is on the theme "Flashpoint of Revival." Dutch Sheets reflects on receiving clear words from the Lord in 2021, urging a more intentional partnership with other Christian movements. The prophetic messages emphasized the power of unity, suggesting that working together would not merely add to but multiply the effectiveness of the Church. Dutch acknowledges his commitment to honoring other streams and movements, actively supporting collaborative efforts with ministries like Flashpoint.

The narrative then shifts to a segment from Gene Bailey's book, "Flashpoint of Revival," wherein historical and prophetic perspectives are intertwined. The author recalls the Christian landing on Cape Henry in 1607, where America was dedicated to God. Despite the nation's challenges and periods of division, there has been a consistent remnant of praying individuals seeking God's guidance. The current state of America is described as facing great opposition, but the author emphasizes that God's redemptive plan is already in motion. The focus is on the need for the Church to wake up, embrace God's grace, and actively participate in the unfolding revival, trusting that God is not done with America.

The conclusion highlights the ongoing opportunities for a worldwide harvest despite the prevailing opposition. Dutch draws inspiration from the Apostle Paul's perspective on facing both great doors of opportunity and significant opposition. The concluding prayer seeks strength, endurance, and divine protection against opposition while declaring a commitment to working together for a great harvest. Dutch emphasizes the importance of praying for the protection of America's waterways and dams, echoing the broader themes of unity, revival, and divine intervention in the face of challenges.

Full Video Transcript:

Hello, thank you for joining me today for Give Him Fifteen. The title of today's post is "Flashpoint of Revival". In 2021, I began receiving clear words from the Lord, several of them instructing me to be more intentional about partnering with other Christian movements. No one segment of Christ's body can accomplish his purposes.

These prophetic words and dreams stated unequivocally that working together would not simply add to, but would multiply the church's effectiveness. I've always tried to honor other streams and movements. and have endeavored to be a unifier, not a divider, but realized this was not enough. Since receiving those words, I have attempted to diligently obey them by actually working with and supporting the works of others or the efforts of others.

One of those ministries has been Flashpoint. I appreciate Gene Bailey and His sincere efforts to turn our nation back to God and see worldwide harvest. as well as the excellence with which he does so. In today's post, I'm sharing a segment from his great book, Flashpoint of Revival. And I do mean it's a great book.

Sharing it to encourage you as we begin the assignment of praying over our waterways and dams in America. God is not finished with America. From the book. On April 29th, 1607, Robert Hunt and his team landed on the Virginia shore at Cape Henry and drove a cross into the ground, dedicating this nation to God.

From that day to this, America has been blessed in many ways, but has also seen her share of peril, trauma, turmoil. For over 400 years, we've traveled a long and sometimes very difficult road. We've produced documents of faith and freedom, like the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence, reiterating that we are a people who seek to follow God.

Among ourselves, we've battled economic injustices, stood up against slavery, and we've fought for what we believed in. We haven't always been right. After all, we're human. At times, we've been more divided than we've been united. We've shed rivers of our own people's blood. But God has always had a remnant.

A praying people whose hearts He has gripped, who have taken their place, working with Holy Spirit to see that America stayed on track with His purposes. Reverence and honor for God have been a strong, noticeable thread woven throughout the years of America's existence. Though at times it's taken decades, even centuries, the Church has cried out in repentance and voiced regret for our past mistakes.

We've cried out for revival. We've cried out to see our nation return to the Lord. So here we stand today in the face of great opposition, our nation's values have seemingly been usurped by the devil's own agenda. Chaos and contention are raging. Evil has raised its ugly head, seeking to silence, discredit, and dismantle the greatest threat to the accomplishment of his schemes-

the Awakened Church. We don't see anyone in the White House standing up, drafting a document like the Mayflower Compact. Quite the opposite. Those in positions of greatest power are using Machiavellian propaganda to promote a socialist, anti God worldview that is bringing tremendous damage to this country and the godly principles upon which it was founded.

While the church cry, while the church's cries for revival may seem to be drowned out by the loud evil agendas of hatred and control, we know God heard Robert Hunt and his men on April 29th, 1607, as they declared from that small beach in Virginia that this nation belonged to Him. He took them seriously,

and He hasn't forgotten. Like so many times in our past, God has been gripping the hearts of people who are willing to work with Holy Spirit in this hour and follow Him into a tremendous last day's harvest. Know this, God is not in a panic trying to come up with a response to the evil that has been unleashed in America.

Long before this chaos began, He was already positioning His "Mordecais" and his "Esthers" for such a time as this. His redemptive plan for America is already set in motion. And as we respond to God and take our places, we will see His plan trump the enemy's schemes. Remember, though, that Mordecai and Esther were in the right place at the right time and able to step up in great boldness because they were submitted to the Lord.

We are no different. We have to allow God to prepare us. We have to fully submit to however, whenever, whatever He chooses to do with us, not just personally but corporately. As we've discussed, Gene says, a lethargic spirit has lulled many believers to sleep, caused others to be drawn away from their posts as watchmen on America's walls.

In the absence of these strong Watchmen warriors, blatant ungodliness and lawlessness have crept into the church and into our land. Hell has launched an all out assault to overtake and overthrow America's God given purposes and to change the destiny of our nation... ---but God---, and he quotes from Ezra 9:8-9.

And now for a little space, grace hath been showed from the Lord, our God, to leave us a remnant to escape and to give us a nail in His holy place that our God may enlighten our eyes and give us a little reviving in our bondage. For we were bondmen, yet our God hath not forsaken us in our bondage, but hath extended mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia, to give us a reviving, to set up the house of our God, and to repair the desolations thereof, and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.

Each time I read these verses, the book of Ezra, Gene says, although they refer to the nation of Israel, these truths jump off the page as I believe God is using them to speak to our current situation in America. One, God is giving us a space of grace. Two, God has a remnant in America. Three, God has given America a nail, a secured place in His plan.

Four, we are entering an awakening that will enlighten our eyes. Fifthly, God is extending mercy that will revive America, restoring and repairing the house of God and returning this nation to the foundation and structure of her Godly heritage and destiny. Amen. Amen, Amen!. Though it sometimes seems like evil is winning, he says, it's not too late for our country.

God has not stopped paying attention to America. He is very much at work, so let's be sure we don't fall back to sleep and miss the opportunities He's setting before us. Amen. And we won't, Gene. We won't. My conclusion. Amen. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16: 9 said that a great door of opportunity had opened up for him.

And yet, he said, there was also great opposition. Likewise, today. Opposition to our cause of worldwide harvest is great. But our opportunities are greater. We will overcome the adversity and reap the harvest. We will.... let's pray. Father, as we are diligent to listen to you and obey, we will eat the fruit you have prepared for us that fruit, among other things, is worldwide harvest.

This is your passion and it is ours. Give us strength and endurance, willing hearts, and the revelation needed to accomplish this. Give us insight and wise strategy as we pray against Satan's opposition and protection from his attacks. Deliver us from evil Matthew 6:13. We are in agreement that you will protect our borders and infrastructure in America, including our dams and waterways.

We are not at the mercy of our enemies. We embrace your discipline, our nation, but we will not accept the plans of Satan. Turn America back to you and restore us to be the great combine you intended for us to be. We declare that the ripe harvest will become the reaped harvest. Sharpen our sickles, strengthen our gifts, and give us hearts to work together.

Pour out your spirit just as you have promised until the plowman overtakes the reaper and final paragraph of the prayer taken from the prayers and decrees we wrote for the protection of America's waterways, which you can find on the websites DutchSheets.Org and GiveHim15.Com to you, Lord, nothing is hidden.

You reveal and expose secret plans and agendas. We ask that any foreign or domestic plans to harm our dams, waterways, and water supply will be revealed and thwarted before they are carried out. Expose every plot to restrict, restrict our water, our supply lines, hinder our power sources, or tamper in any way with our water supplies, dams, or waterways.

Prevent the theft of weapons, extortion, and all that would assist terrorist activities. Frustrate the plans of the crafty to keep their plans from from succeeding Job 5: 12 and create disunity and confusion among them, Judges 7:22. We pray all of this in Jesus' name.... and our decree: we decree that the body of Christ will work together to reap this great harvest. Amen. Well, once again, you can find the prayer and decrees that we wrote for praying over our waterways and dams. You can find those on DutchSheets.org or GiveHim15.com. And today's post was taken from Gene Bailey's outstanding book, Flashpoint of Revival, published by Harrison House.

Used by permission. You can find out more about Gene at GeneBailey.com. Alright, thank you so much for joining me today. Let's do it again, tomorrow.

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