Sacred Serpent Health Protocol - The 3 Main Pillars ,The Activation of Arete, & The Basics Of EATING

6 months ago

As I have mentioned in many of my videos: If humanity on a collective level simply made 70 percent of their dietary intake whole foods both raw and cooked - the abysmal health statistics currently plaguing humanity would drastically improve in miraculous ways. Eat 70% Real food and 30% whatever you want. Overtime I would suggest making this more like 80-90% real food and 10-20% whatever you want. This gives you freedom that other systems don't and still drastically improves health while allowing people to eat foods they grew up loving.

You see - most Americans do the opposite of the 70 to 30 split that I promote. They consume LESS than 30 percent of their food intake from whole foods and consume 70 to 95 % of their food in the form of processed garbage. We have gone over why this is horrible in prior videos so I will not repeat myself. I am currently in the process of making my own food pyramid and it will publish privately here on Patreon very soon. I want to make things simple for anyone to follow. The way I eat is cheap, effective, and improves health.

Now - if the average person who eats junk dedicated themselves to the 70 to 30 split and wanting to improve it, furthering their progress - they would then start drinking clean water - preferably my distilled water elixir. This is basically chilled distilled water that has soaked in a few pieces of shungite over night and that had been blessed and preferably ( although not required ) soaked in moonlight.

This can be evolved and as the adherent experiences the benefits from the FOOD - WATER - & AIR quality upgrades - they should then proceed to attenuate and modify their current exposure to artificial lighting and electromagnetic fields.

This formula is a simplified explanation of a much more complex protocol.

Arete is something mentioned often in Stoic Philosophy. It has been defined a million different times by a million different people and because of this, has lost its most basic meaning. Arete is action that aligns us with Eudamonia. Arete is living with excellence instead of falling short to moral deprived living.

A simple google search yields a somewhat decent definition of Arete: Arete is a concept in ancient Greek thought that, in its most basic sense, refers to "excellence" of any kind. The term may also mean "moral virtue".

Eudamonia is another term used very often especially by the Stoic philosophers, which sadly, throughout history has lost its most basic meaning. Eudamonia is the attainment of the higher self. The higher self is accessed through the awakened Kundalini.

Therefore Arete is action that is aligned with the higher self. If we live with Arete - we get closer to our higher self by default. If we live without Arete - we actively separate ourselves from the attainment of our higher self.

To live with Arete is to live in a way where we try to do our absolute best with everything we do. The greatest way to start living with Arete is to augment the Air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink.

To live with Arete is to only seek that which is pure. I have discussed this in great detail in past videos and will continue to in future videos. I would highly suggest reading the little book of stoicism to learn more. It is available in the library of strength & wisdom


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