5 months ago

Many of you have been Waking Up since 2018, many more of you came awake during the Covid-19 PLANdemic, ANTIFA/BLM Riots & the depop jab causing the current mass genocide, and some of you have been on this journey to become Conscious for many decades. The time for research and awakening is coming to an end, the time to stand up, resist, and take action consisting of FIGHTING BACK will be upon us very soon. You are God's creation and you are much stronger than you think. Keep sharing Truther research with sleeping & unconscious family & friends, but even more so you need to also get your house in order. Prepare mentally, physically, morally, and spiritually for the many wars that are coming within Canada, the USA, and nearly all other western nations. We are talking Revolutions, Civil Wars, and/or WWIII, perhaps even all three at the same time. Don't give up before the fight has even started, this is mostly a Spiritual Battle and GOD WINS, NOT THEIR GOD SATAN. Most people are just now getting 20/20 vision focused on the real enemy of mankind which has always been the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL ✡️. We are entering THE END TIMES FOR THEM, and a NEW BEGINNING FOR THE REST OF US. It is going to get much worse before it gets better, so please be prepped, know thy enemy, stand tall, stay the course, and RESIST THE FUCKING EVIL!

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