Reaction is the Real action | James Lindsey

11 months ago

Once again, this is not my video. Search Youtube or Rumble for this exact title. The original source is there. I do NOT want money. I'm just putting it here to keep it safe and to share with people close to me.

Leftist activism is happy to take direct wins whenever it can get them, but that’s not always possible. When it can’t get direct wins through the front door, it is also more than happy to get its wins through the back door by exploiting what we can call an action-reaction dynamic. As an act of dialectical political warfare, which is their battle logic, Leftist agitators will provoke a reaction, control the framing around that reaction to a watching audience, and use the reaction as justification to advance their cause. This strategy was articulated by Saul Alinsky as “your enemy’s reaction is your real action,” and it forms a backbone for a Leftist two-step of provoke, then advance. Currently, in the United States, recognizing the tremendous challenge conservative Christianity poses to any Marxist takeover of the country, a reactionary movement called “Christian Nationalism” is being repeatedly provoked in the hopes of being able to use that reaction to nullify any Christian resistance to the Woke takeover of the West. In this lecture from Dr. James Lindsay of New Discourses, the nature of the action-reaction dynamic as a tool of political warfare and the example of the setup of Christian Nationalism as a reaction to Woke provocation is laid bare. Listen for an important warning to the American church!

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