Galactic Challenge Hoth: Rebel | Attempt at Max Crate in Real Time, So Close but Not Quite Enough

11 months ago

This Galactic Challenge is old, I actually recorded this on December 26. I just had a whole bunch going on in my life (on vacation, in the middle of buying a house, editing/uploading other videos, helping other family move, relaxing in general as I was on vacation) so it never ended up getting edited or uploaded in time. Regardless, I’m not just going to scrap this because it’s a little out of date!

In this one, I thought it would be fairly easy as CLS squad is a pretty decent team even to this day, but it was just not working out for me. Maybe Mon Mothma team would have been better, but I don’t have many rebel fighters beefed up enough. I also don’t have Kyle Katarn at 7 star, who’s almost an essential in a MM team.

My other thought would be the “cheating” way to go about things and use GL Leia, but I don’t have her yet so that’s not something I can actually test.

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