11 months ago

“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you are beginning to release more and more of your ego mind to create space for your God Self to reside within you.
The more you are aware of the workings of your ego mind, the easier it is to let it go.
One of the big emotions the ego mind uses, is guilt.
In your interactions with others, notice how the dynamic of guilt is being used.
Either for the fact of trying to make other feel guilty, or feeling guilty yourself.
Guilt is something the ego mind uses to keep you in bondage of the illusion and everyone in it.
The moment you let go of this guilt dynamic, you will be free.
How do you do that?
Let’s first examine the actions that are qualifying others and yourself for judgement and therefore being found guilty:
The illusion construct of the ego mind is founded by everything that is not love and peace.
That means that every act that does not reflect love and peace is therefore an experience of the illusion, and when unaware of the ego mind, qualifiable for judgment and guilt.
Anything experienced in the illusion is not of God and therefore, not real.
That means that any action that is not love and peace is not real.
It has been caused and executed by the ego mind of the other person or yourself.
Which is not the true self or God Self.
It was the ego mind.
The only way out of the illusion and into the higher dimensions and God’s reality is by realizing this fact:
The Illusion is not real.
The moment, you are becoming aware of this truth, you will be able to let go of finding others/yourself guilty.
You will then be able to see through the illusion and perceive the true God Self within others and yourself.
As you will see yourself and others through the eyes of God, you will raise out of the illusion and you will bring everyone with you.
This, beloved One, is your ascension.
This is your Victory of the Light!
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channelled through Asara Adams

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