Small group of 10 Striped Dolphins Killed

5 months ago

Another group of striped dolphins was brutally abused and slaughtered today. We suspect that they may be part of the family or group that fell victim to the dolphin mafia two days ago. Dolphins search for several days in the vicinity of their lost family or group members when they are separated due to an event. This makes them easy victims of the killers, who call themselves fishermen. In this group there was a small baby that was severely injured and killed along with all the others by spinal stabbing.

Dolphins and whales are killed because of and by fishermen who see the marine mammals as competition for small fish such as sardines or mackerel. Japan, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are no exception, and nobody of them kills whales and dolphins for meat, because the demand is too low and the meat is heavily contaminated with environmental toxins and not suitable for consump

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