Israel Moments | Dark Forces Behind Israel Becoming a Nation

6 months ago

Israel Moment #23 - Dark Forces Behind Israel Becoming a Nation
Hello this is Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. And today I want to talk to you about Hebrews 3:17 through 19. The Bible reads "But with whom was he grieved 40 years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? And to whom sware he that they should not enter into His rest, but to them that believed not?" So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. Now. This is talking about that generation that came out of Egypt with Moses that wandered in the wilderness for forty years, because they could not enter into the promised land. And why could they not enter into the promised land? Because of unbelief.
Now after they died in the wilderness, their children, the next generation, they believed the Lord. And so they were allowed to enter into the Promised Land. Now why is that important? Because all throughout scripture we see a pattern where the children of Israel did not believe, they couldn't enter into the land. Once they believed, then they were allowed to enter the land. Later when they turned and worshipped other Gods, they were removed from the land. THEN in their captivity, when they turned to the Lord, they came back into the land. THEN, when they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ in the first century, they were removed from the land, okay? THEN, in 1948, they all believed on Jesus and then they all came back to the land... Is that what happened? No.

What we see in 1947 and 1948, is Israel becoming a nation, the people returning to the land. But they did NOT BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing changed about their belief. They were thrown out of the land for rejecting Jesus Christ. So why would God bring them back into the land, when they're STILL REJECTING Jesus Christ? Nothing's changed! And this would violate the pattern of what God has always done throughout scripture, where their right to be in that land was not just some unconditional promise that says "Hey this land is yours no matter what, it belongs to you no matter what." No, it was ALWAYS conditional upon them worshipping the Lord. And when they would not worship the Lord, they were kicked out, or they weren't allowed to enter. When they were worshipping the Lord, they were allowed to be there and prosper in that Land.

And you have to ask yourself, if the Lord is not the one who brought them back in 1947 and 1948, then who did? If it wasn't the Lord that did it... You say "oh, it's a miracle!" No, it's not a miracle my friend. It was a phenomenon, but it was not a miracle. You can look at all the events that led up to it through world war one, there was the Balfour Declaration which was a letter sent to Nathan Rothschild, you know, granting the land of Palestine to be a place for the Jews to have a homeland and so forth. You know, through the machinations of politicians and governors and the rulers of the darkness of this world, through a lot of people spending a lot of money... Like people giving a ton of money to Harry Truman's campaign in order to get him to recognize Israel as a nation. You know, money that went through the whole process from World War One, to World War Two and afterward, it was all done through the funds of Jewish bankers and it was also done through the satanic institution known as the United Nations. See, the United Nations is the embryonic world government that one day is going to be you know, the seed of a global government that's going to install the antichrist. So if we look at the forces that were behind Israel becoming a nation, it was a lot of wicked people. It was a lot of satanic, you know, ultra wealthy Jewish bankers, it was a lot of people in the United Nations and other wicked organizations like that. It wasn't of the Lord. And the proof that it wasn't of the Lord, is that they never turned to Jesus. So therefore, they're not even worshipping the Lord, so why would the Lord bring them back? It doesn't make any sense. And so to say that "God is blessing Israel by bringing them back into the land"... No, they're under God's wrath; they're not under His blessing.
Main Scripture/s Hebrews 3:17-19
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