AWK-1.16.24: VICTORY in Iowa, MSM blame Evangelicals/Race, KATT W. Unleashed,-No Ads!

5 months ago

I’m a fan of LT from And We Know. Here’s the latest episode without ads. Enjoy! ;- )
Please follow my channel, ‘Guitwiz Patriots Editing’ like share and comment on my videos. Thanks!

Highlights of This Episode:
Young actor fully vaxed DEAD
Paper ballot counting
Racist Joy Reid is Upset that White Christians in Iowa Turned up to Vote for Donald Trump Because he Promises to Give White People Back their Country
Vivek Drops out of Presidential Race and Endorses Donald Trump
MSNBC doesn't seem to understand why religious people are giving Trump unprecedented support so let me enlighten them:
Katt Williams on comedy in the Trump era
Based Trump supporter dismantles an ABC News hack with one simple common sense statement about the 2020 Election:
“They only want to see one thing. They want our country to come back.” — President Trump on MAGA supporters during Iowa victory speech
The Covid jab that alters your DNA is being called by Dr Lapado, Surgeon General of Florida THE ANTICHRIST OF ALL PRODUCTS
Full Trump speech
Alaska Airlines pride celebration video
Best of Katt Williams Feel Good Moments...

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