Feuertaufe/Baptism of Fire - Luftwaffe in Poland 1939

4 months ago

A 1941 Tobis Filmkunst War Documentary directed by Hans Bertram, narrated by Herbert Gernot. Audio in German with English subtitles.

The Legend of the Luftwaffe began in Poland. Feuertaufe, directed by Hans Bertram, himself a world-renowned aviator, captures war as never seen before. Combat cameramen filmed the aerial campaign, showing preparations for flight, massive air strikes, and the appalling devastation wreaked upon Polish towns and armies. (Seven cameramen died during filming.) The use of trick photography and maps makes this documentary one of the Third Reich's most sophisticated propaganda films. Norbert Schultze's original score lyrically enhances this masterpiece, and his concluding anthem - promising "Bomben auf Engelland" - predicts further triumphs for the mighty Luftwaffe.

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