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The Data of Living!

1 year ago

The Trevor Loudon Report is joined by economic genius Mr. Edward Dowd!! Together they discuss the pending crisis that may be hitting America this year!


  • 0/2000
  • why aren't you on epoch times anymore I really enjoyed your show

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  • This was a depopulation plan which has long been planned.

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  • Just started following you. Thank you so much!!

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  • Ed you may not have the Chinese data but a Buick deagel report search for 2025 population predict should tell you all you need to know on the subject. I believe Chinese population was predicted to grow while uk and USA were hit hard!

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  • Excellent exposure of the toxine-o-caust by Ed Dowd,... Thank you! Unfortunately, Trevor's audio was not working well through much of the video. Paradoxically, though President Trump didn't 'mandate' taking them, Trump--whom I generally support, played a major role in promoting the disastrous 'roll-out' and funding of the mRNA 'vaccines' (toxines), through 'Operation Warp-Speed'! And he continued to promote them as "saving millions of lives", through 2022. I haven't listened to Trump much during the last year-and-a-half. I was not planning on voting for him because of his arrogance and blindness ON THIS ISSUE OF 'VACCINES' (toxines). However, it's looking like he has no significant challengers in the Republican field,.. and he's still a better candidate than ANY Dem-Marxist. Trump's promotion of mRNA vaccine/toxines,..and his lack of clarity on supporting Ukraine against the Moscow-invaders is still leaving a very bad taste in my mouth for supporting him. Even though I enthusiastically voted for him in 2016 (while I was in Ukraine), and in 2020 (The Steal). I think he's too arrogant and blind to ever admit that 'Operation Warp-Speed' was a terrible and disastrous MISTAKE on his part, falling for the deceit of the very Global-Socialist/Communist/Fascist/State-ist tyrants that orchestrated the STOLEN Presidential-Election of 2020!

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