HW # 14 : Jan 16 2024 More updates on lava flood. Again you are invited on the new Earth.

11 months ago

You are the reason for it and you will never understand it and your comments or no comments will prove it.
but We have a plan to save humanity and this is part of that under the ForEverPeace Treaty.
Now from this 3 videos you will got all the information you need for now and we add this after the war world 3 in our plan to study in the University and yes people will never get it as I'm sure, but some will and that is what is to be seen.
The power of the Universe is not to be ignored, so action and reaction . You work so hard to destroy this planet and the Universe with its mighty power is to come and rebuild what you destroy on a daily base now and for so many years, but in this time of trans-humans ( with no brain and only hate for the creation this process will accelerate ) , robots and all this stuff is going exponential but Earth is working on it very hard and of course Universe is helping with so many meteorites coming on Earth all the time as million of tones are coming each year .to help the Earth grow and have more power into this.
Now one important point and I did not put it on the other two on this subject is our soul as our goal with our University and study is take care of our souls and I do not know what will happen as this will be so massive and so huge as lava will burn everything and probable souls will not be to survive , but at this time I do not know and that is whey you need to find other planets and move there and let the Earth to it job.
So is important that our plan will be executed fast and with precision.
This new Earth will be about 1000 mile larger so will have much higher protection via the magnetism and will be cozier for the soul of the Earth too. This in the terms of the souls as that is cumming form the Creator God and he take take care of this Universe.
Now you may say, what happen with Earth soul on all this. Is an easy answer as the soul of Earth is deep in the center and protected by huge crust of crystals as energy and power, so is not going to have any effect on it.
So you have it my students , learn and study as hard as you can as your soul is in danger and nothing matter other that saving it.

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