ETs, Election, The Sun, Discernment, Dimensions, Being Physical January 17, 2024

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Brysentia spoke at length about ETs, the more frequent ways they will manifest on Earth, She spoke of the ETs most closely working with us. She spoke briefly about the video of ETs in Brazil and Miami.

Albayon spoke about our planet. He clarified that we are a separate planet, there is a sun, there is a moon, and other planets and stars. What we see in the sky has different colors and clarity due to the lack of filters.

Crystallia spoke of being human or having a physical body. She spoke of the importance of people embracing this time, using discernment, as they grow. She discussed the matrix vs the crystalline energy grid. She ended with sending the beautiful energy of love to all.

Links and questions

Link to RUMBLE


Questions for Brysentia

21:45 - If time is just a 3d construct, then how do u deal with no time on your ships? When do u sleep, when do u eat etc?

23:29 - Those that do not ascend, will they just forget about us or have their memory wiped?

26:45 - Have you heard of Maitreya? Is he here on earth? People say he is the Christ returned. I don't understand. I was led to believe that the Christ consciousness has returned through lightworkers and star seeds. What do you see?

28:17 - The formula for manifesting in the 3d, was basically "thought, feeling and positive action. How do we manifest things in the 4d? Is it the same-?

30:32 - When a nefarious one is removed, what is the reason to allow a double or clone to remain in its place?

33:26 - Do you still see that there will be no elections in 2024?

35:33 -  I am interested in natural healing methods such as homeopathy and accupuncture, and wondering if the energy/frequency healing modalities that are becoming available such as medbeds, scalar energy, the EE System (Energy Enhancement) and FLFE (Focused Life Force Energy) are effective in healing people of their physical and mental issues and worth pursuing right now?

37:20 - Is the color of the sun and sky different or am i going crazy?

38:22- Will the death-process be easier on the 5D-vehicle?

Questions for Albayon

52:50- Many channels see the next year fiery energies, people getting up against injustices more, more geo shake ups etc. With all these stuff, would not prices for food go up again as the owners of the shops will be in fear?

59:06 - Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak said in their book long ago that our planet - if I remember correctly - will come into alignment with other seven or so planets like our chakras. They are not in alignment now. And something will happen then. I wonder if this planetary alignment will be like a corridor for our ascension.

1:01:47- Why the chemtrails are sprayed onto us everywhere, poisoning the air and atmosphere of our planet and all beings living here. When will the chemtrails stop?

1:04:35- I have been watching a program dealing with Skin Walker Ranch in Utah in the US. Would you give some insight into the difficulties the scientists are having there

1:06:55 - I know you've answered this question before but would you mind confirming that Mr. T and the white hats, (That sounds like a rock band) still has control of Main Stream Media?

1:09:15- I have been watching Alobar Jones channel. He and his team fight demons in the astral plane. He recently found out that there are 2 factions of Peliadians. The old guard who works with our military and who’s interest is to dominate and control humans. They take orders from the AI. The second faction broke away from the old guard and their interest is to work harmoniously with humans. I suspect the ones who broke their word was the old guard. What are you seeing in this regard?

1:13:00 - Does Ismael Perez really works for the good of humanity?

1:16:55 - Are someone fighting for people that have been wrongfully convicted?

1:18:30 -  Isn't the Ascension process an individual process? Then, why do people are so focused on a solar flare as the source of a collective ascension ?

Questions for Crystallia

1:29:16- Hi Crystallia, I feel so much better than 2 weeks ago with these heavy ascension symptoms and feel so much more uplifted, positive,even more joyful. Is it because of these hug influx of lightcodes and crystaline lightcodes ?so much more light on earth since the beginning of 2024? Or what is your view on this?
1:32:50- Can you explain the difference between the matrix and the crystalline grid?
1:35:40 - Is eating vegetarian good for the Ascension?

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