WATCH: TxDPS Troopers arrest a 17 yr old & 16 yr old for evading arrest & human smuggling,

1 year ago

Lt. Chris Olivarez (
The duo led troopers on a high-speed chase in Val Verde County. The chase came to a stop at the Laughlin Air Force base. Troopers found five illegal immigrants, including an 11-year-old female child from Mexico, concealed inside the vehicle. The 17 yr old from Nicagura was issued a work authorization visa on 10/19/23. Both face state felony criminal charges for evading & human smuggling.
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ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
Just to get away from reality. Fantastic link.
When you just need a good old scare and a laugh...
Trafficked with Mariana Van Zeller.
Special thanks to SpaceCowboy TV....

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