Bill would change crimes against fetus laws, allow murder charges at all stages of development

7 years ago

After the fatal 2017 shooting of her 18-year-old daughter and unborn grandchild, Jennifer Lee, of Indianapolis, is pushing for legislation that would change Indiana law concerning crimes resulting in the loss of a fetus.  Republican Indiana state senator Aaron Freeman has authored Senate Bill 203, which provides that the crimes of murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter and feticide may be committed against a fetus in any stage of development. It specifies that the offenses do not apply to a lawfully performed abortion.  This bill, which was referred to the Indiana state Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law on January 3, could expand the number of filings for killing fetuses that have not yet attained viability, meaning those which are unable to live outside the mother's womb. The age of viability is around 24 weeks, depending on the level of available medical support.

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