Democratic Governor Says Trump’s Blowout Win in Iowa Shows ‘Weakness of Donald Trump’

8 months ago

MADDOW: “Joining us now from Des Moines is J.B. Pritzker, he’s the governor of Illinois, he’s an adviser to the Harris campaign, and he’s in the catbird seat tonight for the Biden-Harris campaign, watching what’s happening in Iowa. Governor, it’s great to see you. Thank you so much for being here with us tonight.”
PRITZKER: “Grew to be with you, Rachel.”
MADDOW: “So we had a quick call tonight, a quick projection from our network, and indeed from other networks, that Donald Trump was going to be the winner. Looks like he is going to be the overwhelming winner tonight in the Iowa Republican caucuses. From your perch, as an adviser to the Biden-Harris campaign and as a Democratic governor in Illinois, what’s your reaction to that news?”
PRITZKER: “Well, I think Joy had it right. Almost half of the base of the Republican Party showing up for this caucus tonight voted against Donald Trump. Think about that. I mean, this is the most famous Republican, he’s the guy, who basically built the modern Republican Party, the MAGA Republican Party that Democrats are running against, and a half the people in that party didn’t vote for Donald Trump. So I think that is telling. It tells you the weakness of Donald Trump and also the opportunity for Democrats, because in the end, look, if the base doesn’t turn out for Donald Trump in the general election enthusiastically and Democrats turn out its base, this is all about independents and independents don’t like Donald Trump. So I think we’re in a pretty good place tonight to see what’s happening on the Republican side. If Donald Trump, in fact, is the winner tonight and able to win in New Hampshire and in South Carolina, probably the race is over. But the truth is that all of these candidates are running as sort of Mini-Me Trump Republicans. They all have exactly the position that you mentioned earlier, six month — six week ban on abortion, they want a national abortion ban. The Republican Party is standing against working families and Donald Trump is representative of I think everything that is wrong with the current environment in politics.”

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