Episode 74: Part 6_DETERMINED Part 2_God alone determines who goes to heaven and to hell

6 months ago

In DETERMINED Part 2, Kevin describes how the scriptures declare that the LORD God goes about in the execution of the reconciliation plan.

This plan is what you and I are witnessing in full color today. There is nothing we can think, say, or do, that will keep the Almighty from fulfilling His own purpose and will.

What is that purpose? Psalm 2 tells us it is to sit My King upon My holy mount Zion covered in My glory and that all creation may bow the knee before Him. In doing this Christ Jesus the Lord will bring home to the Father those that the Father gave to Him.

13 And again: “I will put My trust in Him.” And again: “Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.” Hebrews 2:13

Why is God doing this?

Let's find out.

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