The Correct Way To Eat Raw Eggs ( Cup & Chew Method )

8 months ago

When it comes to raw eggs, many people just slam them down because they find them gross. Although I understand, this is a flawed approach. Overtime, as you consume raw eggs, you will find that your appetite/cravings for them will increase. What I used to find gross I now find desirable. It is very difficult to achieve this if you are slamming raw eggs down and not breaking the yolk/tasting them before swallowing. To eat a raw egg properly bite it and break the yolk prior to finishing it. Swoosh it around in your mouth for a few seconds, preferably 5-10 and then swallow. This will break everything apart and predigest things by increasing surface are prior to being introduced to the stomach. This ensures that you get the most nutrition out of what you are consuming. Raw eggs are high in choline, b-vitamins, caratenoids, iodine, selenium and healthy cholesterol/fats!

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